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Sixty-Seven Salamanders Page 23
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Page 23
And even when there were no more bullets left to fire, she kept on squeezing the trigger like she was expecting more would materialize – or maybe hoping. But when none did come, she let out a shrill scream that pierced my ears and chucked the handgun at the bullet-ridden scientist who was now slumped over with a pool of blood forming around his body.
“Oh my god…” Bianca’s awe-filled voice sounded from behind.
I turned to see her with one hand over her mouth.
“Holy crap, what happened?” Josh was right behind her and also stared wide-eyed at the dead man.
I took long strides to them supporting Noir along the way and placed her on Bianca’s shoulder. “No time to explain. Bianca, get her to the extraction point.”
She hesitantly nodded, then took off dragging Noir.
I spun to Josh. “The guy on the floor deleted the HAARP data. Is there any way to retrieve it?”
“I can try.” He immediately went to work, typing on the console.
I watched the door for any sign of the reinforcements, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. We were seriously cutting it close.
“Hey, I think I’ve got something… It’s encrypted though. I’ll have to extract it onto a drive, though. Gimme a sec.” He pulled out a USB stick and plugged it into one of the computers.
“Hurry up, Josh.” I urged out of the corner of my mouth.
“Okay… got it.” He rushed over to me with the USB. “Let’s go.”
He started to walk past me, but I stopped him. “Hold on; we can’t tell anyone about the USB drive. Not yet anyway.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me, Josh. I think there was something going on here unrelated to the mission. I may be wrong, but I want to make sure.”
He gave me a suspicious look, then after a second handed me the stick. “I know I’m going to regret this.”
I smiled. “Thanks, now let's get the heck out of here.”
We exited the lab room and made our way cautiously into the hallway, on the lookout for any reinforcements. Once we made it safely down the hall, we turned right only to see a convoy of security guards marching in our direction, so I jerked Josh by his collar, causing him to stumble back into me. Then, I frantically searched for a place we could hide and spotted a green recycling container just a few feet away. Josh followed my gaze and quickly ducked behind the bin with me.
We both breathed heavily with the adrenaline of being discovered pumping through our veins. The army of footsteps neared closer and closer until they harmlessly went passed. And no sooner than their footsteps faded behind us, we darted for the extraction point and reached the intersection near the elevator soon after. All we had to do now was take the right stretch of hallway through a few bends and out the exit upstairs to the roof where an Organization helicopter should’ve been waiting.
“Hey, there they are!” Emerging from the elevator to our right was yet another group of guards clad in black, each with a gun in hand.
Josh and I paused at the unannounced visitors but immediately picked up our feet again. The mix of the alarm and gunshots that fired behind us created a symphony of chaos as we dashed left, then right, then right again through the maze of several corridors on our way to the extraction point. Eventually, we spotted a large, yellow door with a metal bar in the middle that read ‘EXIT’ above it.
I slammed into the bar barely slowing down, but it only opened a crack as it resisted heavily. “Josh, help me!” I groaned, still pushing.
He came behind me a second later and pushed on the other side. The combined footsteps of the security guards were just around the corner now, forcing me to triple my efforts as I pressed my back against the cold bar even harder and pushed with all the strength in my legs; they threatened to give out with the overwhelming strain. My heart skipped a beat with relief as the door slowly inched open, letting Josh and I slip through its slim opening when it was wide enough.
We entered the dark, musty stairway and took the steps up two at a time, ascending in a spiral that went up in circles. Not far up, a heavy groan echoed below us and peering down over the railing, I saw a handgun pointing right up at me. I jerked my head to the side, and a moment later, a couple of bullets ricocheted off the railing where I’d just been. Probably shouldn’t do that anymore!
“I see the door!” Josh excitedly yelled in front of me.
With newfound strength, I pumped my legs to their maximum capacity and soon got to the top of the stairway where another door with a large, metal handle was just ahead, standing between us and freedom. Josh turned it once there and pushed it open to make bright light instantly fill the dim staircase. A violent gust of wind also appeared out of nowhere and threatened to shove us back to where our pursuers waited. At the end of the building roof was a shiny, black helicopter hovering and vibrating loudly with the spinning of its wings.
“Come on, guys!” Bianca yelled, half her body hanging out of the helicopter with her hand extended, her face tight in anxiety and worry.
Josh and I shut the door behind us and made a mad dash for her, all the while fighting the force of the wind the flying machine created. While we did, the roof door could be heard being shoved open behind us, but I didn’t dare turn around and neither did Josh. Only a few more feet and we’d reach safety. Leaping when close enough, I snatched Bianca’s hand, and she hoisted me up into the helicopter where I rolled inside; Josh bumped into me a few seconds later.
My chest heaved up and down as I lay staring at the vehicle’s ceiling but didn’t have the luxury of rest yet as bullets bounced off the helicopter, forcing everyone to hurriedly cover their heads and get lower. The gunshots eventually faded as we lifted higher and higher into the hazy Alaskan sky. And after a while, I chanced raising my head and took a seat next to Bianca. Josh followed, cautiously rising to sit next to Noir.
I noticed her for the first time across me. She was sitting up straight with her head turned towards the window, staring at nothing but snow and empty land below.
Bianca leaned over and whispered to me. “She’s been like that since we entered the helicopter.”
Who could blame her? She had just come face to face with the man that murdered her parents. I was still having trouble grasping that fact. Behind me was a man with blonde hair silently taking us further and further away from the HAARP facility. I lightly pressed a hand against the pocket the USB stick was tucked safely away in. I’d deal with it later. For now, even moving seemed like a monumental task as the adrenaline slowly drained from my body.
“Dude, I thought we were goners.” Josh tried to talk over the whirling of the helicopter.
I tossed my head back and grunted.
Chapter 32 - Fail
When our team got back to Addison, we got checked out at the infirmary. Fortunately, no one had been injured. Afterward, to the displeasure of the entire group, we were required to write detailed reports regarding the mission. Of course, I omitted the information regarding Project Vita. And as soon as we were finished with that, we dragged ourselves to the Team Umbra dorm house and didn’t leave our rooms.
The very next day, we held a small party to commemorate our first mission, even if technically it had been a failure, never having discovered who the traitor was, but no one knew I had the USB drive, except Josh.
I grabbed another piece of cake from our kitchen table.
“You eat all that, and your butt is going to jiggle for a week.” Josh stood next to me, smirking.
A large piece of cake was wrapped up on a plate in my hand already. “They’re not for me.” I laughed.
“For her?”
I nodded. Despite an invitation from Hope, Noir hadn’t shown up. Likewise, Candace wasn’t at the party either, although she had popped in momentarily to congratulate us before disappearing again.
I noticed Josh sneaking peaks over at Mina who was drinking a soda in the corner and looking annoyed as Hope chatte
d away at her. “Hey, you never did tell me how your talk went with Mina.”
He smiled sheepishly. “She told me I wasn’t her type.”
“Oh…” I winced. “Sorry.”
He waved his hand. “Oh no, it’s good.”
“It is?”
“I mean, she did say that, but afterward agreed to go on a date with me.”
I laughed. “So, it went well.”
He rubbed his head with an awkward smile. “Sorry, yeah it did. Thanks to you.”
I put my arm over his shoulder. “Stop it; you’ll make me blush.”
He gave me a nervous glance. “Hey, Adin… what about that thing we found?”
It was obvious he was referring to the USB drive. I took my arm off and faced him. “I’ll need your help with it later… But for now, we’re having a party, look alive!” I slapped his back.
He reluctantly smiled. “Yeah, you’re right.”
After a bit, I made an excuse and left the party with the plate of cakes. When I reached my destination, I knocked on the wooden door with my free hand, but there was no answer. A few more minutes passed, but still, I was left standing idly outside. “If she’s not here…” I moved from the cabin to search for the two small branches that looked like they were holding hands; it was infinitely easier to spot than it had been the first time, having been through the process a million times in the past few months.
Carefully guarding the plate of cake in my hand, I waded through the thick trees and eventually entered the sandy clearing to see Noir at the water’s edge further in sparring with a wooden, training dummy, though it looked more like she was trying to hack it to pieces.
Sorry, buddy. I took quiet steps over to her. “You’re missing a great party.” I raised the plate in my hand. “I brought you cake.”
She continued hitting the dummy without looking at me. “I’m not interested.”
I set it on a small bench not too far away and approached her. “How long have you been out here?” Her tank top was drenched, and she was still sweating profusely.
“I don’t know.”
I stepped even closer and grabbed her right wrist before it could strike the dummy’s wooden head; it looked thankful.
She threw a weak punch at me in reflex, but I easily caught it. “What do you think you are doing?” She stared daggers at me.
“You look hot.”
She blinked. “What?”
“You should cool off.” I pushed her.
She tried to hold on to me, but lost balance and fell backward into the water, creating a giant splash and a moment later, she shot up from the water, completely soaked. “A-Are you insane!?” She shrieked, shivering.
I tried to hold my laughter in. It was highly amusing to see the in-control Noir so disheveled. “I thought you needed a break.”
She glared at me with lowered eyelids. “Well, I’m fully rested now, thank you very much.”
I smiled broadly. “The pleasure was all mine.”
“Are you going to help me out or continue to stare at me with that goofy grin on your face?” She frowned.
I laughed again and offered my hand. “Here.”
She snatched it and pulled me in, making me flop into the cold water with a loud splash.
A second later, I broke the water’s surface and immediately spun towards Noir.
She gave me a wide grin of her own. “Now we’re even.”
“Oh, it’s on now!” I scooped up some water, sending a wave her way.
She was surprised at first, but quickly launched her own aqua assault at me.
After going back and forth for a little while, I threw up my white flag. “Okay, okay! I surrender!”
She finally relented after sending one more volley of water. “You should know better than to mess with Noir Ancel.”
“I’ll try and remember that.” I gave a defeated smile, checking my now, drenched clothes. “We should really dry off before we catch a cold or something.”
“We can change at my cabin.” She climbed out of the water, causing the ripples she created to bump into me.
I followed her out of the water, but she stopped me.
“Don’t forget the cake.”
I laughed. “I wouldn’t dare.”
Noir opened her cabin door with a key that was placed under the mat in front of it.
“Oh, now I know your secret hiding spot.” An evil smile grew on my face.
She shrugged. “I don’t mind.”
I moved to speak, but the words died in my throat.
She pushed the door open after and stepped inside but spun around before I could enter. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Not with those wet clothes.”
I pointed at her tank top and leggings covered in water. “What about you?”
“You’ll make a right mess in your doused attire.”
She had a point. The jeans and cotton shirt I had on held way more water than what she was wearing. “So, you want me to strip here?” I teased.
She raised an eyebrow while sizing me up. “You can keep your underwear on.”
After careful deliberation, I sighed. “Turn around.” Sufficiently stripped and embarrassed, I stepped inside her dark cabin with my dripping clothes under my arm.
The French girl pointed further in and to the right where a door was. “You can wash off in the bathroom first. I’ll dry your clothes by the fire.” She took them my stack of wet clothes.
I thanked her and shut the door behind me. The bathroom was pretty much all wooden like the rest of the house. In the left corner was a small toilet and in front was a medium-sized mirror. A bathtub with a green curtain rounded out the rest of the simple room. Once fully undressed, I started my shower. The water was cold, but I didn’t mind. There’d been plenty of times at home where we’d had to go without hot water.
I searched the tub for soap but didn’t see any. “Noir, I don’t see the soap!”
A minute later, the door opened, and a hand reached into the tub with a pink bar of soap. Fancy. I thanked her and took it and when the door slammed shut commenced my shower again but froze with the bar of soap under my armpit as the green curtain was disturbed by an unknown force.
I turned around to see a fully naked Noir behind me; the pink soap in my hand dropped to the tub floor with a thud. I came to the realization I was still openly staring at her and swiftly spun back around. “Noir, what are you doing!?” I covered my front with both hands.
“Taking a shower.” She answered nonchalantly.
“I see that, but why with me?”
“Should I not be able to use my own shower?”
“That’s not the point!” I sighed. “Why do I even bother? You’re going to do what you want anyway…” I tried my best not to think about the girl with no clothes behind me, instead filling my head with images of small kittens and rainbows to stave off the evil thoughts that attempted to invade my mind but was ultimately failing.
While fighting my inner demons, Noir suddenly spoke. “My parents were killed on a mission a few months ago. They were investigating rumors regarding HAARP and the traitor. They were strict and even at times cold during my childhood, but they were all I had, so when I lost them, I lost myself.”
I stood silently, listening to her speak.
“As you know, I’m not the most sociable person, so when you offered me friendship, I was... reluctant. No… I was frightened.” She exhaled deeply. “What I’m trying to say is, thank you for trying to be my friend, Adin.”
“How come you were so different on the plane when we first met?” I asked quietly.
“You were a stranger… I knew I wouldn’t be losing anything…” There was a quiver in her voice.
“Noir…” I moved to turn around.
“Don’t... Don’t. I’m fine.” She said in barely more than a whisper, placing a hand on my back, then removed it and left the bathroom.
The spray of water continu
ed to hit me, but I could barely feel it make contact with my skin. Noir had just unveiled an important part of herself after months of nothing. It was a breakthrough, but I still wasn’t exactly sure what it meant. I finished up soon afterward and peeked my head out of the bathroom. “Noir?” I looked around spotted her lying sideways on her bed with her back turned to me. “Noir?” I spoke into the small cabin once again, but she still didn’t answer, letting me know that she was asleep.
Great. Now she chooses to sleep? Only wrapped in a towel, I scurried over to my wet but noticeably dryer clothes and quickly put them on, then looked back at her one last time before making my way back towards the Team Umbra dorm house. But at the last second changed course and headed for the relaxation zone instead. Thankfully there were only one or two stragglers in the area. I took a heavy seat on the bench nearby and let out a long breath.
Despite my best efforts, the scene crept into my mind once again. I had nearly gotten Noir killed back at the HAARP facility. What in the world had that memory been? I tossed my head back and reached one hand out for a passing cloud that resembled a goldfish.
“Reaching for the stars, Mr. Anderson?” Dean Dexter’s asked.
He was in my upside-down vision wearing his usual red robe. I wonder how he never got hot in that thing. “Oh, Dean. What are you doing out here?”
He walked around the bench to sit beside me. “I was on my way to a meeting but saw one of my favorite students.” He smiled cheerfully.
I sat forward and smiled too, glad for the unexpected meeting. There were some questions I wanted to ask. “Actually, there was something that I didn’t detail in the mission report that I was hoping to ask you about…”
“So, you did uncover something relating to the project?” He shot out, his eyes opening.
“Well… I’m not sure. On the mission, I confronted a scientist named Max who claimed to know who Noir and I were, and even said he worked with my father. Do you have any clue who he was?”