Sixty-Seven Salamanders Page 6
“Nope.” I answered after taking a good look at her.
She mock pouted. “Aw, really? Not even a clue?”
“Hm… weren't you on that show where people have to eat bugs?”
She frowned now. “Now you're just teasing me.”
“A little.” I smiled.
“Candace did warn me about your unique sense of humor.”
Her expression came back to life. “Yup! That’s actually why I'm here. She was busy with council work, so she sent me instead. I shall be your personal chauffeur for the day.” She did a slight bow. “Aren't you happy you have such a cute girl to show you around?’
I laughed; she was a little eccentric but nice enough. “Sure, where are we going?”
“First stop is the dean’s office, then your dorm room, ready?”
“Hold on. I need to get my bags.”
“Don’t worry about them; they’ll be delivered to you later.”
“Oh, alright then, I guess I’m ready.” I started towards the door.
“Hey, you dropped something.” Bianca reached down and picked it up from the floor; it was Noir’s green ribbon.
I almost forgot I still had it and reached out to grab it, but she pulled away.
“Is this your girlfriend’s?”
“Isn’t that a bit personal?”
“Maybe, but I’m not giving it back until you answer.” She had a teasing smile.
“No, it’s mine.”
“Hm, and why would you have a green ribbon?” One of her eyebrows went up.
“It matches my eyes. Can I have it back now? Pretty please.”
“Candace didn't tell me you were so polite, too.” She laughed and handed it back to me without further harassment. “Well, I guess I better get you to the dean's office.”
“Lead the way.” I looked at the ribbon for a few seconds, then stuffed it in my pocket. Maybe I could look for her after settling in?
We exited the infirmary without further delay and went into a hall that led to see-through doors, making sunlight illuminate the dim hallway. Outside was nice and cool, a strong breeze blowing by. Compared to the temperature in Maple Hills it was like Antarctica. My head darted left and right, taking in the new surroundings. We looked to be in a courtyard; in the distance was a large, grey statue. I’d researched Addison out of curiosity, so it was actually familiar.
And I expected the college to be big considering its status and influence but was surprised to find out it wasn't the juggernaut I initially thought. Admittedly, it certainly wasn’t small either, having about fifteen thousand students enrolled. Only a handful were permitted to live on campus, so I felt extremely fortunate to be one since there was no way to attend the school otherwise. Some students loitered around the courtyard, and there were benches scattered throughout.
A few of them looked at me in curiosity as Bianca, and I passed by. It made me wonder if I stood out that much. I raised my arm and sniffed my armpit. Did I smell or something? I hadn’t gotten the chance to shower yet. I hope I didn’t look too bad. “You know, you never did tell me who you were.”
Bianca still wore a smile on her face, making me smile too; her mood was contagious. “So, you were curious after all. Well, you are fortunate enough to be standing in the presence of none other than Bianca Torres, twenty, sixteen Olympic gold medalist.”
A light bulb went off in my head, remembering the significant coverage ESPN had on her a few years back. It was a media frenzy - they even did a Lifetime movie on her. She was the only woman ever to break the ten-second barrier in track. Even more amazing than that was she did at age seventeen. When she demolished the world record for the women's hundred-meter dash, it sparked a huge debate within the track and field community as to whether she should be able to compete in the men's division.
Although that became a moot point once she announced her retirement at age eighteen, baffling everyone. The young girl had a red carpet laid out for her, endorsement deals and gave it all up without batting an eyelash. There were plenty of rumors as to why she would do such a thing, the most ridiculous was that she was actually a man who disguised himself as a woman and was found out.
“Bianca Torres as in the fastest girl in the world Bianca Torres?”
“I guess you are pretty infamous.”
Her smile faded at the statement, causing me to regret my words right away, and felt like an ass for even saying it. She had been hounded over and over by the media, but she would just respond with the same ambiguous answers. Eventually, they lost interest when the next story rolled around and left her alone.
Probably a smart idea to change the subject. “You mentioned that Candace said I had a unique sense of humor… What awful lies did she tell you about me?” To be honest, I was a bit curious to find out what she thought about me anyway.
Bianca laughed. “She told me that -”
“Take that back!” Someone suddenly yelled.
I scanned the courtyard for the voice and spotted a short, muscular male and a tall, skinny female with glasses under a tree in the distance. The short guy was hollering in the girl’s face, well at least he was trying, only reaching her chin. It wouldn’t be surprising if smoke started pouring from his ears with how mad he was, but she just gazed down at him with a bored expression.
“I'm only telling the truth. You need more training.” The girl crossed her arms, no fear in her voice or worry on her face.
Various students walked over to form a crowd around the tree, but no one seemed inclined to stop the argument, watching the scene with obvious amusement on their faces.
“Well, I don't need more training to kick your ass!” The short guy shrieked, resembling a toddler throwing a fit as he got getting angrier, if that was even possible.
She smirked at him. “That attitude is why we lost the Gauntlet last year in the first place.”
That set him off. As soon as she finished the sentence, he lunged at her. My mouth dropped as he forcefully grabbed her by the shoulders, wondering if his mother taught him not to hit girls and started towards the tree.
However, Bianca grabbed my arm. “Just watch.” She didn't seem particularly worried about the situation, obviously knowing something I didn't.
The girl with the glasses was in his grasp now and even though he was short was fairly muscular, his arms like tree trunks. I shifted from foot to foot in discomfort, watching the attack. This can't end well. All of a sudden, she brought her elbows down on his forearms, eliciting a yelp and forcing him to immediately releas his grip. And while stunned, she grabbed him and shot one leg forward to hook it behind his in a sweep. He crumpled to the ground at once, and just like that it was over.
I wasn’t even sure if ten seconds had passed. The crowd of students dispersed just as fast as it had formed and murmured displeasure as they walked away like they had expected more.
Bianca noticed the stunned look on my face and giggled. “Didn’t I tell ya? Mina doesn’t mess around.”
“No… I guess she doesn't, does she?” Although I sounded calm, I was anything but. I’d seen and experienced so many bizarre events recently that I didn't know how to react anymore. I'd never been outside of Maple Hills until now; was this how the world operated outside my insignificant town? Was I the strange one for finding these things out-of-place? I didn't know, but what happened was just too weird. A guy basically tries to maul a female and nobody bats an eyelash. “What the hell was that?” I blurted, not able to compose myself any longer.
“Oh, that? That was nothing. Just a small spat between fellow students.” She shrugged.
Apparently, I was the crazy one for finding all this crap strange.
“Damn, the Disciplinary Squad is here.” Bianca spoke again.
“The what?” Once again, I had no clue what was going on and felt like a first-grade student thrust into a physics class; too many things were happening at once.
She put her hand
on my shoulder and pointed to the left where an ogre of a human was headed straight for the tree. He had to be close to seven feet. But it wasn't just that he was tall, he also had bulk to go along with it. A shaggy-haired male and spiky, red-haired female followed close behind, the sharp difference in size making them look more like children than college students. The way they marched in unison made them look like a mini army, too.
The short hothead still lay on the ground by the tree in a defeated heap, and the girl called Mina stood over him, but her focus was on the ogre. She wasn't the only one, though. Every person in the courtyard had their attention on him. I could guess why, his presence was hard to ignore, but it was more than that, too. I studied some of their faces closer and saw anxiety – or maybe fear.
When he reached the tree, he walked directly to the guy and gazed down at him without any emotion, almost as if watching an ant scurry by. Nobody said a word, and you could probably hear someone fart with all the silence. Mina stared at the newcomer with a blank expression of her own, but her body language spoke differently; her fists were still clenched at her sides as if expecting to use them again. It put me on edge, too. Who was this behemoth? Despite his size, he looked to be around our age. Was he also a student? Bianca mentioned something about a disciplinary squad. What exactly did they discipline?
“Once again, I find myself looking down at you, George. Looks like you still haven't learned.” The ogre boomed, his voice deep and powerful; it grabbed your attention and didn’t let go.
The short guy named George struggled to one knee and peered up at him with clear defiance on his face. “Screw you.” He spat out.
I had to admit this George had some guts, or maybe he was just stupid. The much taller male didn't get angry or frown, but instead reached out and grabbed his throat to raise him high in the air. There were a few collective gasps at the ridiculous, movie-like scene. Or maybe David and Goliath would be more accurate, but this was reality, and David didn't even have his slingshot.
“Put me down, you assh -”
George's words were choked off as the ogre tightened his grip. Everybody stood frozen, and even Bianca’s cheery demeanor was gone as she stared like a deer in headlights, her mouth hanging open. It was clear nobody was going to help this poor fellow, so maybe I should’ve minded my business, too? After all, I was a newbie here and didn’t know how things worked. No, I have to do something!
“Put him down. It was my fault.”
Every head turned to the unexpected voice, including mine.
“Mina Park, good to see you again today.” The ogre seemed to notice her for the first time and smiled.
“I started the fight. Let George go.”
“That's not what the reports said.”
“Your reports are wrong.” Her hard gaze bore into him.
“You understand the consequences.”
“Yes.” She nodded.
He looked up at George who was still hoisted up in his giant hand and then down at her again.
I held my breath.
“Fine.” He released his hold, letting George drop to the ground; he grunted in pain when he landed. “Ashley, take her in.”
The spiky-haired girl emerged from the ogre’s shadow to walk briskly to Mina and took out what resembled a plastic stick out of her back pocket. Mina quietly held her wrists out while the shorter girl placed it above them; it contorted and snapped over her wrists instantly.
Whoa. I guess they worked like handcuffs. I'd never seen anything like it.
“Let her go!” George suddenly hollered.
“Christian.” The ogre called his other follower’s name.
Nodding, he calmly walked up to George and gave him a swift kick to the gut, making George moan in pain as he doubled over against the tree.
Then, the giant faced the entire courtyard and bowed. “Have a good day, everyone.” And with that, he and his lackeys marched in my direction with Mina in those strange handcuffs.
Bianca pulled on my sleeve. “Come on… let's go, Adin.”
That didn’t sound like such a bad idea, but I inadvertently made eye contact with him before we could move away. And in no time, he reached us and stopped directly in front of me. I was forced to crane my head up with him closer as he towered over me.
“Adin Anderson, it’s nice to meet you. I see you’re already making a name for yourself.”
It was obvious he was referring to the whole airport incident, so it wasn’t a surprise he knew my name. Now that he was near, I took a better look at his massive frame and features; he had wideset eyes over a hawk nose, and thin lips were curved upwards in a small smile on his squarish face.
“Welcome to Addison College.” He held out his hand, but I didn't move to shake it, and after a few seconds, he dropped it and smiled wider, but it didn’t reach his eyes
I then stepped aside so he and the others could pass. Mina glanced at me as she walked by, still stone-faced. I couldn’t get a read on her. Why had she given herself up like that? Especially for such an asshole. When they were out of sight, Bianca punched me in the arm.
“Ow, what was that for?” I frowned, my body still sore.
“That was Eric Riley!” Her eyes doubled.
“The leader of the Disciplinary Squad.” She shook her head knowingly. “Not someone you want to mess with.”
“Listen, I don't even know what all that crap was. No one’s told me anything; maybe you could fill me in?” I let out a frustrated sigh. The whole being confused every second thing was really, really starting to get annoying.
“No-can-do, mister. Besides, you haven't even taken the Oath yet.”
“The what?” Once again, I had no clue what she was talking about; I wanted to punch something.
“Oops, I've ready said too much.” She laughed nervously. “Come on, the dean is very busy, so if we don’t hurry we’ll miss him!” She ran ahead of me.
With no choice, I sighed again and followed her.
Chapter 12 – The Dean
Bianca and I were in front of a large building with steps in the front and giant, circular clock near the top. It also looked older than modern. I covered my mouth with my hand as a yawn escaped; I wasn’t built for these early starts.
“This is the information building. You’ll find most of the school’s staff here.” She held out a hand.
I nodded as we climbed the stairs and went inside where we met a young man wearing a polo shirt that displayed Addison College on the front; he sat behind a desk and asked us for our identification. Mine was in my bag, so Bianca explained the situation for me. Once cleared, she led me through a couple of hallways, and we stopped in front of a mahogany door in the middle of one of them a short while later.
Bianca turned and faced me. “Well, this is where I leave you, my good friend.”
I smiled at her. “Thanks, Bianca, I appreciate it.”
“No problemo!” She nodded. “I'll be back in a bit to take you to your dorm. The Dean actually has all the info, so once you get that we'll be squared.”
“Got it.”
“Alright then, and whatever you do don't eat those nasty truffles.” She made a sour face and skipped away before I could question the abnormal statement.
How does she have so much energy so early? I faced the dean’s door. To be perfectly honest, I was nervous as hell knowing how important the impending meeting was, maybe even life-altering. This Dean Dexter might hold all the answers, or he might be just as clueless as me. I don’t know; maybe I was putting too much into this. There was so much I wanted to ask and was so much I didn't know. Would I even want to hear what I found out? Maybe it’d be better not to even know, just keep my boring, peaceful life. Ignorance was supposed to be bliss after all.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door anyway.
“Come in!” A voice called out.
I gently pushed the door open to a wonderful aroma, my stomach growling out loud in response. I hadn't e
aten since the day before, so needless to say was starving, and could literally eat a horse – or five.
“That's the best response I think I've ever gotten to my truffles.” The man I assumed was Dean Dexter was seated behind a wooden desk near the back of the room. He looked younger than I'd imagined, looking around his mid-thirties. On top of his head was thick, auburn hair and there was scruff on his face not full enough to be a beard.
“Sorry about that, I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast yet.” I smiled and rubbed the back of my head, my gaze drifting to the glass plate on his desk that held the delicious-looking truffles.
He laughed again and waved me over. “Please don't mind me, help yourself.”
He didn't have to tell me twice. I hurriedly went to his desk and grabbed a handful and would’ve grabbed two handfuls but didn't want to be too rude.
“Have a seat, Adin. Do you mind if I call you Adin?”
“No, not at all, sir.” I shook my head.
“Ah come on, you’ll make me feel even older than I already am. Please, call me Dexter.”
I didn't really feel comfortable just calling him Dexter so met him in the middle. “Yes, Dean Dexter.”
“That's good enough.” He smiled.
I took the lull in conversation as an opportunity to devour a truffle, one in particular calling my name that was chocolate and covered in an assortment of small nuts. I brought it to my mouth and inhaled the entire thing.
“Well, how’s it taste?” He stared at me with wide eyes full of anticipation.
It was horrible. Of course, I didn't say that to him, but it was the truth. Bianca’s earlier warning suddenly made sense. And it was kind of impressive, to tell the truth. How could something that smelled and looked so good taste so awful? “It has a very… distinct taste.” Yeah, like cow manure.
“Thank you; it’s my own special recipe.” There was a huge smile on his face. “Well, enough about my truffles. I know you probably have an infinite number of questions, Adin, but before we get started, there’s something I need you to do.” He got up from his seat and walked over to a large bookshelf that occupied most of the left side of the room. Next, the dean stood on his toes and stretched out to grab a black digital camera that looked high-tech and expensive with a million buttons on it, then returned to his desk and sat down.